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6 fun facts about Switzerland that every Indian tourist should know!

Switzerland lures Indian travellers year after year with the beauty of the Swiss Alps, its great outdoors, delectable cheese flavours and chocolates – but the country is so many other delightful surprises that go beyond these clichés! From the purity of its fountain water to its legendary public transport system, Switzerland’s little quirks will make you see this beautiful country in a new light on your next trip.
Tap water in Switzerland is so pure, potable and delicious that you can drink straight from the fountains in cities like Zurich and Geneva! Nothing better to beat the summer heat when you’re walking around exploring new sights.
When you’re in Switzerland, you can be assured that your lungs will thank you because every breath you take will be alpine fresh and pollution free! Thanks to strict environmental regulations, the air quality here is among the best in the world.
Swiss drivers are known to follow the rules and a no-honking policy, to maintain a peaceful, quiet and noise-free environment.
The Swiss are known as the timekeepers of the world for a reason! Every micro second counts, especially when it comes to the efficient running of the extensive transport network that is the Swiss Travel System! With a single Swiss Travel Pass, you can hop on panoramic trains, lake cruises and scenic buses, making travel a breeze across the entire country. More than 11,000 trains travel daily on this network that spans around 3,000 km, carrying over 1.1 million passengers per day. With one of the densest rail networks in the world, even the most remote places are accessible by public transport.
A fun fact not to miss, the Swiss eat 8.8 kg of chocolate per person per year which is more than any other nationality.
The Swiss are known for their orderly queues, whether waiting for a tram, or to savour a famous cheese fondue, or to explore any public place. So, make sure to make all your bookings online or in advance if you want to avoid long queues — no cutting corners here!
The next time you travel to this beautiful country, enjoy these unique facets and look out for more such quirks!
